Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How is your coaching different?

A: I was a journalist for 20 years, specializing in personality profiles (*see my favorite, of Mary-Louise Parker, HERE). To do that well requires more than just an ability to write: People had to feel comfortable with me, and I had to be skilled at discerning patterns. Patterns tell us about our hopes, our weaknesses, our abilities.

Because I’m genuinely interested in people’s stories, clients quickly learn that I’m not judgmental, and they begin to relax. This is crucial because crafting a truly effective wellness plan requires a certain level of trust, as well as confidence in the coach’s knowledge and responsiveness.

Each plan I create for a client is personalized and includes my in-depth Workbook, filled with fun, unexpected, illuminating questions. Your answers to those questions help uncover insights about your Why’s — both your objectives and your patterns. The better you understand these, the more you can move gently towards a healthier, more balanced life. Gentle change means you’re less stressed about the process and are more likely to reach your goals. In short, I help you learn how to Live Healthier Happily — Without Feeling Deprived.

Q: How long does it take?

A: Change takes time, but you’ll generally start to notice a difference around 3 months.

Q: How will I know it’s working?

A: It depends what area(s) you’ve decided to focus on — though a lovely side-effect of my work is that you may see benefits in aspects of your life beyond your primary focus. You’ll start to feel better in subtle ways. You may realize that you’re choosing food differently. That you’re not bolting through a meal and are instead savoring flavors. You may find that your mood is lighter and you feel less burdened. Or that you’re listening, hearing and responding more honestly and fully. These are just a few examples. Everyone’s path is different.

Q: What does it cost?

A: I offer three Wellness Plans for Individual Clients, each designed to take into account your budget and time constraints. I also offer Seminars for Groups and Corporate Executives. The best way to determine what will work best for you is to schedule a free consultation. Click HERE to get in touch. (All Plans and Seminars have been adapted to the age of the Coronavirus.)

Q: I heard you’re teaching Cooking Classes. Tell me more!

A: Want to learn how to prepare dishes that taste indulgent yet are still healthy? Of course you do! Each class will cover preparation of a salad or vegetable dish and a main course. Plus, on special occasions, dessert. Wine to sip, and printouts of recipes included. Classes are limited to a maximum of 12 people, to ensure the best experience for everyone. PLEASE NOTE: Cooking Classes are currently on pause.

Q: What else should I know about you?

A: I believe in laughter and bad puns, even when — sometimes especially when — tackling difficult subjects. Not only am I good at what I do, I'm fun to work with! See what folks are saying about me HERE.